Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Don't like Ike

Just for those of you who might not have seen my neighborhood in the aftermath of Ike (Sept 2008), here are a few.

Loads of fish in the street. Yes - those are fish...

Swimming pool at the Yacht Club - full of lake water and a couple of boats.

Entrance to the Yacht Club. This was the road on the way in. Keep in mind, too, this was at least 3 days after the storm.

Luckily for us - except for alot of tree clean up - this fence was the extent of our damage. I cannot say the same for our neighborhood. We are over 6 months post-Ike and there are still several boarded up homes - some waiting for drywall, some waiting for the demo crews. Almost weekly there is another house being torn down. It kills me to see all of the older homes going. I hope they will not be replaced with cookie cutter ones - the city won't have the same charm.

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